
Not my wedding, and only an attempted Marvin:

If you're interested:

I tell people the same thing. DIY is lovely up to a point; I'll help decorate no problem; hell, I'll sing at your ceremony and bake your cake for you, but PLEASE get a real photographer.

"How do I look" and he said "fine, I guess". I almost cried.


My ex MiL decided that our low-key wedding just "wouldn't do." She went as far as to print her own set of invitations to the wedding and send them to people we didn't invite...about 50 of them. She went to the florist behind our backs and changed the types and colors of the flowers (which we discovered by accident

You could make an argument that because children only receive mitochondrial DNA from their mother, they ultimately receive more maternal DNA than paternal DNA. But what you said is not correct. Male children are not predisposed to haemophilia because sons receive more maternal DNA than do daughters. Male and

No one.

Nothing makes me more sad than bad wedding photos. Maybe it's because I'm such a big photo fan, but man: don't cheap out on your photographer. Cheap out on your dress, your venue, whatever, but get a real photographer.

Nothing is terribly shocking here. If I were rich, I'd slather $500 cream all over every inch of my skin, too.

LOL no I live in Atlanta and my rent is 1,200 for a one bedroom GET ON MY LEVEL

the real heroes are internet commenters who are always here to remind us how much everyone sucks

She also looks so gracefully happy here. Like, when I look that happy, I lose control of my face and look manic. She manages to look both insanely, uncontrollably joyful AND really beautiful.

When I see how much Obama* has aged, I can't help but think that we, America, are sucking his life force from him.

Her hair is stop you in your tracks gorgeous

those collarbones tho

Bad things about Steve Carrell: he did not hire a single minion to be his personal assistant.

My whole attitude regarding Game of Thrones.

This reminds me of the time I saw Lord of the Rings and then I started summoning giant walls of water to expel ring wraiths from Rivendell.

For me, the black character actually makes sense. It's sort of the way people think "welp you're all minorities you ought to all get along, right?" and as they are both outcasts, they sort of bond, but it also shows the power dynamics of the popular white kids when the minute they show any kind of acceptance towards