I hope your cold gets better!
I hope your cold gets better!
I spent a lot of time jamming to Britney secretly in the shower* over the past decade, so I also hope she gets through all this nonsense. All the ups, all the downs, all the wtfs... I just want there to be a rainbow at the end of this road.
*I spent about 3 minutes trying to decide if that sounded like I was talking…
This Lucas Neff character looks really cute and smart enough to realize by now that LOL is sometimes code for "you talk now"/"I don't actually want to answer that"/"Please stop sexting me your dong". Yes it would be better if we came out with it but sometimes we're driving or on an actual good date
Hmm. So that's what it would look like if a person had no hip bone.
Sounds to me like the first person might just, deep deep down, be hanging on to the racist friend because she's a free resource for childcare and other help. The friend is not only disgustingly outspoken in her racism, but also belittling of her friend's opinions ("she chalks it up to me being "a liberal," which in…
Alright, this might be an unpopular thought: I am over parenthood complaints. You wanted it, you got it. That doesn't mean that I don't care about maternity leave issues and workplace discrimination related to pregnancy and motherhood. But run of the mill, wow, having a baby makes me tired stuff, yes. I have an…
Happy Birthday indeed! My childhood self simultaneously loved (Annie) and hated him (IT) for so long. But the love won out once I was able to push that evil evil clown from my mind.
Deep breath. You are ok. If he did not like you, he would not be with you. I do not know if his delivery was polite (I hope so!) but it is a sign of a very healthy relationship when he is honest about sex (and you are too!) and y'all can talk about it. I cannot answer if he is having deeper issues but the fact he…
Everyone remembers Kathy in her incredible role as Drew Carey's ' nemesis' on 'The Drew Carey Show,' but did you…
It's really sad that, as a teenager, she was so unhappy with her appearance that she found it necessary to get plastic surgery in order to succeed socially
Toughen up, buttercup. We're not all Zen Buddhists. I don't think it's sick to celebrate or cheer when someone who kidnapped and raped three girls for more than a decade takes his own life. You can be as sorry for him as you need to be, but you don't get to say that it's sick that we're not. I didn't kill the…
Meanwhile, over at Jezebel, Brad's wife asks a strikingly similar question to the editor of the weekly Sexbag column...
What a perfect name! That little guy is just beautiful, I want to mush him and kiss his sweet, wrinkly face.
Not Jewish and can't help with 1., sorry. 2. is easier as I am from the area originally and have a big interest in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. Devon is probably the place to go. Tel-Aviv bakery has a good selection.
It almost makes you not wear the dress, knowing people will mention it all day right? Tell me where you got it and I won't tell you how awesome you look.
The title of the show is "Doctor Who", not "Dr."— It's a question, not his name. It's so fucking simple, I don't understand why people insist on writing it wrong for FIFTY YEARS.