
The judge should have ordered them to arm wrestle for it.

Long time lurker here. Thank you for your words, Michael.

I’m not a historian, but my understanding is that the phrase “The only good ____ is a dead ____” was initially used to describeIndians”.

This criminal process fetishization take is bullshit wishcasting at best and bad-faith nonsense at worst. The criminal justice system fails to address these situations in an effective or timely manner. Private organizations absolutely do have the right and obligation to hold people accountable for their behavior,

Durant to New York, Kyrie to Brooklyn, Russell goes across town to join Durant. It’s beautiful! Russell gets a year to gel with the kids before Durant returns to make this team a legit mid-table playoff squad.

If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it, build a house. “I was lost but now I live here! I have severely improved my predicament!”

Well actually in Harry Potter the heroes (Dumbledore, Harry, et al.) do use Voldemort’s name and when people refer to him as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named that just gives Voldemort more power and inspires fear and so really people should be encouraged to use Voldemort’s name, at least until Deathly Hallows when Voldemort

This is a once-in-a-lifetime prank call opportunity.

I started skimming this article as I usually do, got sucked in and read the whole thing. Ray, I never read you before but you are definitely raising the bar around here. Thanks.

That, children and other reprobates,

But while the Mets’ owners were never going to be the ones to hire a woman or a person of color

Lauren, can you please clear something up: If Le’Veon sits out the whole year, will he be subject to the tag again next year? If so, how many games does he need to play to accrue a year of service time so that he can be a free agent?

In Soviet D.C., swamp drains you!

“Football, branded to the gills as it is, takes those men and drags them through the Lawn Dad section of the team’s Official NFL Gear Store, and the results are Crossfit Aficionado Golf Pro at best and Grown Man In Sweatshirt Tailored By Chainsaw at worst.”

“Can I play through?”

Came here for this.

And the dots have been connected. Laura couldn’t bother to pull you out of the grays for this? Lame.

Pain don’t hurt.