
Did I black out and post this under a different name last night?

I’m 100% on board with the Humvee idea.

Maybe missing some snark here, but if you’re playing two of something they would no longer be considered ‘quarters’.....

Larry, is that you?


I watched this under the assumption that this guy was representing one of the CA districts out in the middle of nowhere. Nope! He’s representing one of the richest(also very white) districts in the goddamn USA, covering Newport Beach and Laguna. It pains me to realize that educated adults vote for people this moronic.

And, Dick Vermeil aside, the track records of NFL coaches returning to the sideline after lengthy spells away are not encouraging.

Unless Ben Simmons gets wider, nothing can stop that.

Jesus this is the dumbest take I’ve read in 2017. How about we snatch you unwillingly away from your friends and family, lock you in chains and throw you on an unsanitary ship for 3 months. You’ll sail across the ocean with a low chance of survival and in the end you’ll “get” to work for some asshole who believes

This seems to be a point that is continuously overlooked by the city council. How the fuck are people going to get to the Seattle Center when there is very little transit and it’s a traffic nightmare to get there?

Stick to commenting on things you understand.

Well don’t come crying to us when the White Walkers take over the north.

I support this because of the acronym ‘Fire Poop’.

Montana’s Masterpass commercial is sooooo cringe-inducing.

“Old White Asshole wants more Old White Assholes in the NFL”

“Old White Asshole wants more Old White Assholes in the NFL”

The Mariners would like a word with you.

It’s almost as if he’s a moron.

I would not search ‘Bush Crack’ on Google.

He called Trump a “Fucking Moron”, hence the ‘relatively sane’ moniker.