
Traffic was is always terrible on the 405 last night in Santa Monica.

Congratulations to Mr. Porter for his eventual pick by the Sixers.

Given the widespread lack of popularity of that episode I feel it is very unlikely to be part of ST3.

Hate the player(s), not the game.

I had a solid run with my first couple sets of gold toes, but the ones I’ve bought within the last year have been absolute trash. Some of them ended up with holes after the first wear. Either my feet have gone nuclear or gold toe quality has dropped off.

I’ll apologize because I did not mean to make light of abuse. It is an awful,awful thing to happen to anyone. With that said, the abuse in this case is a symptom of a larger issue, and taking focus away from that issue is a concern. Why did she abuse these women in the first place? Why did she take on the false

Sorry, but isn’t this exactly part of the greater problem? If she had never felt the need to do this she wouldn’t have taken on the false persona and it’s possible the abuse never happens in the first place. In this case the abuse is just a symptom of a much greater issue. No one should feel they need to mask their

Her abuse of those women aside, it’s awful that a girl(or any woman, really) could feel that in order to write about a sport she clearly loves and be taken seriously she has to pose as a man.

Apparently you’re missing the point. The average American fits the “Cheap and shallow” description to a T.

But, but, but, the deficit, our future, something something rabble rabble.


I find it intriguing that you think the Heat were the first super team. Tell me more!

He’s also astoundingly average for someone who’s projected as a 1st round pick.

Definitely a national chain, man:

Good god look at the size of that rock.

This is clearly garbage. The former Nintendo chairman that owned the M’s had never even attended a Mariners game at least through 2012. He was absolutely the opposite of a meddling owner, to the club’s detriment. He didn’t care much, if at all about the team’s success and was a large part of the reason the M’s have

While I will agree with you that having a fridge absolutely stocked with beer makes for a ‘strong beer fridge game’, Miller High Life is not in fact beer.

First....Junior Mints? GTFO. That being first is almost as bad as Twix being left off the list.



If this were to be challenged in court I have to believe whichever judge oversaw arbitration/litigation would have to give serious consideration to throwing out this clause. This is insane even on an FFP considering what’s at stake if work isn’t completed on time. For fuck’s sake typical DOT contracts have liquidated