
This is really disappointing. I get that the Kings might not want to add fuel to the fire or contribute to any bad press surrounding the show, but seriously, guys. Don’t further insult your viewers (after seasons of shitty storylines for Kalinda, and the ENTIRE State’s Attorney race) by pretending that this blood feud

The Wife and I often go to bed at different times. She’s usually asleep by 9:30-10 and I can’t fall asleep ‘till sometime later than 11.

Mantrum: man throws fit because woman does not instantly seize upon his attention like a barnacle to a slave ship.

To be fair, if your parents didn’t make you and your siblings all wear that Old Navy flag shirt every goddamn Fourth of July, are you really even American?

This post was everything. It’s like you reached into my brain, grabbed all my thoughts, organized them into words instead of the grunts and sighs I was expressing, and placed them neatly on the internet to be read. I thank you. We all thank you.

UnReal is great, I don't know what he's been watching. It's also he only reason I watched The Bachelorette for the first time ever, so he should maybe say thank you a little bit.

I think if a man did the same thing as in the above GIF, we’d hear quite a bit about it. That man would most likely be Javale McGee.

Gotta love the announcer:

Duke hat. Of course.

This person would make a great Disney villain.

I disagree. I think this is the best thing ever. She knew Cosby personally and it’s hard when you think you know someone to assume that other people talking about him is truth.

Literally what

Slacktivist! You should use one less method of protest because back in my day blah blah blah....the streets....blah blah Bob Dylan blah The Weather Men blah blah Lazy kids blah.

I’d love to see mashed avocado guacamole guy’s recipe for tomato sauce:

Diminished sex drive and impotence aren’t the same thing. But “I wish I wanted to/was physically able to” have sex right now are intertwined for a lot of people and I found it refreshing that he was speaking so candidly about some very ambiguous issues of sexual health and desire and his personal experience with

I consider myself a very rational, levelheaded person, but by the end of that Top 10 list I was about 30% convinced Andy Kaufman was going to deliver number 1.

This is one of my “secrets” that makes me question if I’m a feminist or not. I considered getting a burner for this comment, but meh.

That entire site is dedicated to making Spygate seem like not a big deal. There’s even a link at the top of the main page that takes you to an article dedicated to Spygate being nothing at all.

Franco will be DAMNED if he lets the Sexy Hamburglar be the most inexplicable McDonald’s-related thing that happens this week.

How the hell are those text messages not proof?