HEY! What did I say before about Stanley Cups? There’s only ONE.
HEY! What did I say before about Stanley Cups? There’s only ONE.
I used to think this too but...nah, I do think “fandom” as it is used and exists today is inherently toxic. I’m a fan of Final Fantasy, love the games and pretty much buy every new one, but I would hesitate to say I’m in the “Final Fantasy Fandom” because to me that means a much bigger emotional buy-in than I actually…
Nah, fandom is a neutral thing. All it means is that you like something.
“We’ve been fighting this war for nothing.”
Oh hey, it’s today’s reminder that fandom is inherently toxic.
the reason for that was Sony refused to sell betamax tapes to porn distributors. killed the medium dead aside from television production purposes.
The whole “adult video helped VHS beat Betamax” myth is one that just won’t go away, but there are no solid figures to back it up. Porn was a tiny fraction of a percent of the media market, and no contemporary sources seemed to consider it a major issue.
I think it still holds true, but its as you say, not the “porn” that we remember 20 years ago.
I know that “as goes porn so goes the tech world” was true in the nascent stages of the internet and devices, but is that still true? Not snarking, truly wondering. Does anyone under 40 still give a damn about “porn” when social media pretty much just serves up whatever you want on a silver platter?
I don’t think SE has anything to lose. They can pick up extra players via Xbox. They’re still going to run their own servers so MS is just hurting themselves with bad advertising by forcing the Game Pass issue.
In 2022, I would have said, for those that couldn’t afford very expensive PCs and graphics cards that run them.
Hard to say, but I’m inclined to agree. SE and Microsoft have been in discussions for Xbox support for a very long time, and I would guess that neither party was ever very close to getting a deal. You can’t really compare server costs from 20 years ago vs. today, so the circumstances for FF11 on Xbox 360 and FF14 now…
you don’t have to pay that on PC, why on xbox?
That’s a Microsoft decision rather than a SE one. Going back almost 20 years to the PS2/PS3/360 days of FFXI, SE has never required the console’s paid online service in order to play. If this is suddenly changing, but only for Xbox, it’s almost for sure a “MS wants to pocket more of the money” situation.
Jason, I love ya buddy, but ball players going into game dev has a really bloody (sock) history so you better be careful!
Another great start for another great year for JRPGs !
We’re spoiled again! Suicide Squad / Relink / Persona 3R / LAD8
...and I enjoy all of those types of games.
The goodest boy.
This game was phenomenal. I played it when it released on 360 for hundreds of hours. The story breaks (where you read the stories about their forgotten pasts) really catch you in the feels sometimes. This game is worth FAR more than $8.24 and is a steal at that price.
There is no such thing as a parody law in Japan, copyright law is much stricter there, it doesn’t work like in the US with fair use stipulations.