
"So what's the name of this story?"
Hot Pie looks around and sees a singer, a bartender lighting 151 rum, and a waitress dropping a cup of ice.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.

That's super fucking creepy and I'm really glad he doesn't have any kind of voice right now.

Yes and he's awesome on New Girl.

My only problem with Kotaku is the "Japanese" expert on there is some white dude ex-pat. They couldn't have hired, I dunno, an actual Japanese person.

Me too. I'm not blaming the directors as much as the executives making these movies.

Honestly, I've gotten to the point where I'm not upset if old directors don't actively portray colored folks in a stereotypical or negative light. I've stopped relying on people over 50 to do the "right" thing and believe that it's up to the younger directors, writers, and producers to create things that has more

I don't know about that. How do we know Blade wasn't gay?

Wong Kar Wai: 1
Scorsese: 3
Tarantino: 4
Coen Brothers: 4
Alexander Payne: 2

Alison Doody was the shit.

I don't think the shark was female since it wasn't in the kitchen making dinner.

Spielberg is a 70 year old white man with some (not all) of the sensibilities of a 70 year old white man. Considering his impact on the world compared to another 70 year old white man, I'm not going to complain too much.

I read that as a joke but some folks want to feel offended about everything.

The chairman is Phil Knight. They don't need luck.

Man a lot of ya'll don't even want cartoon Asian dudes to hook up!

I think they made one good joke…maybe. It was so long ago that I don't remember.

It could've explored contemporary Asian culture and the role of Asian-Americans in America. Fuck it, we'll cast the 4th best Tyrell.

That just seems irresponsible for a multi-million dollar project.

I would much prefer more episodes with Tran and Greta Lee than Reagan. I thought both those actors had way more chemistry and comedic ability than Megan Fox.

It's like people don't even watch the entire 2nd season and then talk about it.