
People that work at Jiffy Lube changing oil or at Les Schwab changing tires have barely any training, Torch. Community Colleges usually offer coursework that puts students on track to get ASE certifications, with the goal of producing master techs.

Wouldn’t be the first time somebody has complained about Hennessey...

My complaint with the NM4 is more practical. I love that it has hardened, locking, and weatherproof storage. I just wish it was useful:

And let’s not forget:

You’re all wrong. This still has my heart...

You just described every Hayabusa, and Hayabusa rider that I’ve ever seen ever.

And my VW isn't destroying it. Don't believe the hype.

They are not supposed to fix the environment, they are to keep people loyal while VW rolls out the actual fix to the car which will help the environment.

The finger in the corner of that gif never fails to weird me out.

I know where that is! That’s the Tunnel Vision mural in Columbia, SC!

You’re saying that this program did not finally get interesting until just before it was cancelled?

Nope. But step 1 is - bring a huge magnet.

Well, yes and no. Neil deGrasse Tyson said it really well: “If we have the technology to transform another planet into Earth then we have the technology to transform Earth back into Earth.

Sorry...that was me. I accidentally detached the double-A battery leading to Mars’ poles. My bad; won’t happen again.

so then the question becomes “how did Mars lose its magnetic field?”

A little different and a lot more unreliable. I’ve driven my friend’s Cayman S, and it’s an amazing little car that’ll keep going. I asked the guys at Exotic Racing why they didn’t have the Lotus. They told me that the Lotus and McLaren cars would spend 3-5 days in the shop for every 1 day they were on the track.

Current yardstick: 100hp/L