Cool story. One question: what was Bo Pelini doing at the San Diego Zoo?
Cool story. One question: what was Bo Pelini doing at the San Diego Zoo?
1A. Cat, domesticated
Also, don't be poor or live and work in a poor community.
The Roman Catholic Church has stated that evolution is scientific fact and have taught that for close to 50 years. With 79 million adherents in the United States, that a sizable number of Christians who believe in evolution.
Thanks for sharing this chart. Good stuff.
Thanks for mentioning this. Before the vast majority of us stampede to vote for Hillary in 2016, it is important to note that the Clintons are not particularly great people, especially when it comes to issues affecting the poor and under-privileged, and that they were surrounded by worse people (like George…
Comma splices are better.
"When men gather at bars and golf courses and any of the other traditional salt licks for male bonding, do they ask the gynecologist what Mrs. Holcombe's hooters look like? Do they want to know if it's hard for him to keep his professionalism with his hand inserted in some babe's bodily cavity—and whether it's scary?"
Or as Jim Ross would call it a "real slobberknocker".
BREAKING NEWS: Follower of misogynist religion says misogynist things
I find it most disturbing that those bullying these girls were mostly girls themselves.
Really? The fact that he ruined Jello Pudding Pops for you is the worst part?
"It was like a fabricated interview, like what (Jenkins) thinks Tiger would say."
In America, feminist complain about men taking up too much room by spreading their legs too wide on a subway.
That's some next level run-on sentence writing right there!