Bull Moose

Attention: women. The world doesn't owe you shit.

WTH are "masculine, feminine and neutral topics"? Facts don't have a gender; I dare someone to claim there needs to be fewer answers about sports and more about makeup to even out the gender bias of the Jeopardy board.

There's a simple answer: there are far fewer female geniuses than male ones. This has been proven with science. The male IQ distribution curve is more heavily weighted at both extremes. This is one reason why you see more high achieving males in almost every field.

While I love the intent, the athletes-as-slaves metaphor is grossly ignorant at best and outright offensive at worst.

Sick burn.

And somehow still as or more productive. Hmmm. Damn Puritans.

Look at you! Hi-jacking a story about the suicides of young teenagers to accuse feminists of blaming everything on the patriarchy!

If you, or any feminist, tries to politicize an issue like this for personal gain, then fuck you all.

oh my god WHO CARES

If after watching this video the world still can't understand why black people regularly lose their shit and storm the court in the middle of basketball games nothing will.

I really wish the NBA would stop fooling around and have good guy refs and bad guy refs. If you had one guy tripping players at the end of games and tipping the ball to one particular game it might become entertaining again.

I've only seen the commercials for the film, but my god, I can't imagine this film being better than dogshit. It appears as though the writers of The Big Bang Theory got together and vomited a bunch of sports cliches onto a script. The commercials feature so many laughably bad lines: