Yes, the problem is nuanced. Clearly, the care given to the mentally ill in state asylums were substandard, and medications made many think that warehousing was obsolete. Then the politicians thought it was a great way to save money not realizing they were going to merely shift the cost onto prisons. Regardless, the…
Barbecued yak with fire-roasted potatoes mostly.
I...I don't get...
Who doesn't have access to YouTube? Does she live in a yurt in Mongolia?
The implication is not clear. It makes it seem as if "she makes the rules" as in, "she makes the rules for both of you "which is bullshit because no, she doesn't. Clearly, it is here body, and she decides how she will or won't use it, but the shirt implies that the boy is immediately the subordinate.
Your explanation makes it a little more clear, but it is still a stupid shirt.
Well, she should have watched the video.
"The quarterback in Varsity Blues."
Are you fucking serious right now? Shed your fucking female chauvinism. Men and women are neither better nor worse at raising children than the other. To suggest that men are "stumbling, moronic creatures" and "aren't worth the women in their lives" and women are the "real power" is some next level sexism.
Um, what about HIS body? A relationship, whether sexual, romantic, or platonic inherently requires the equal consent and respect of both parties. This shirt implies that simply by dating a woman the man becomes the subordinate in the relationship. That's fucked up.
Ever played Runescape? Fucking epic.
This is going to be great.
Would bang.
Oh, your just a crabby, sanctimonious curmudgeon. Half-assing gloryboys are the future of sports.
James Harden is the Yasiel Puig of basketball. Is that a fair analogy?
People don't want to hear it though. They would rather blame some other variable like guns, parenting, poverty, etc. The truth is that these people are dangerous and need to be removed from society.