That's a bullshit answer. EVERY FBS school has an athlete training table where they have food literally shoved down their throats.
That's a bullshit answer. EVERY FBS school has an athlete training table where they have food literally shoved down their throats.
Now, you see, this is the answer I was looking for. Thanks.
And, almost universally, they were MEN. And not only that, they were men who did colossally brave, important, and world-changing things. Huh, and I thought men were fucking horrible, mutated, inferior versions of women.
OK, Barry, get your fucking narrative straight. Either universities and the NCAA shit upon and exploit student-athletes or they show favoritism towards them. You guys can't have it both ways. And even if you could have it both ways, aren't they both wrong?
What about kids on academic scholarships? They're just fucked because a 4.3 forty time is more important than a 4.3 GPA, I guess?
Well, he did go to Oklahoma and everyone knows their history program is the drizzling shits.
So is saying "I fucked that girl I met at the bar last night." in front of a woman sexist? Will you run off and tell your superior officer you were offended? Is one man calling another man a "bitch" in a joking manner misogynistic? Will you get him thrown busted for it? Please let me know the rules, now that women are…
There's nuance. Directly calling a woman a cunt, bitch, or or ho is different than using the work fuck to describe what you did with the girl you met at the bar the night before or when a man calls another man a "bitch" in a joking manner.
OK, bro. I guess you are cooler than me.
Race is not equivalent to gender.
Well, now you are just putting words in my mouth. First, no one said these man would be calling women that. Second, women call each other those words all the time. Lastly, you might bitch and moan long enough for the military to stamp this out, but men will still say it. They just won't say it in front of you. They…
I know, right? They have only suffered and died for your right to be an asshole for the last 200 years.
Wow. Chris Kluwe blames his coaches for being a bad punter. Knock me over with an atom.
I know. My fault for even clicking the link....
See, this is the mistake. Many talk like that, but they don't necessarily think or act like that. Sure, some do. For most men, it is simply a way to joke, say outrageous things, act tough and manly, but when it comes down to it, they aren't really like that. Of course, women come in (yes, admittedly, like outsiders)…
New flash: Women talk like that too, slut shamer.
Triple news flash: It ain't going away.
News flash: This is how men talk to each other.
Wow. Another blog post about Yasiel Puig on Deadspin. Color me shocked.