Bull Moose


I am an unabashed fan of Neil Marshall and John Constantine, and think this is the greatest news I've heard all week. And Goyer—well, I don't actually mind him on darker, snarkier works like the Blade films, so I think he's actually a good fit for this.

Only three words come to mind:

Without the face, I see Matt Damon.

In this case they sure as shit WOULD have been.

Then she was killed by a robot Superman.

Well shave his head and I guess he kinda has the look. Nothing I have seen him in makes me think he could act like Lex Luthor. Unless their interpretation of Lex is very timid.


No No NO.

"Cheering for a football team should never include the casual use of a racial slur."

The book is pretty popular... but of course it has to be described in a negative light because it's a Christian novel.

Sounds like a pretty badass and prepared little town if their main concern is being able to heli-ski.

What you call "an aversion to new tech" I call a normal attitude that's not at all unreasonable. This "new tech" will have to stand the test of time not only from a technical and practical perspective but many other factors that ultimately add or detract to their attractiveness to mainstream consumers... not the

There's even a special version for Idaho, with an alternate energy source.

The real question is, why the hell didn't you sell a Twitter handle you don't use for $50,000?

Came here to post that sentiment exactly!

I have found things like Fitness Pal and other trackers helps people know what they are eating.

Geez, what a thug. He just said he goes into the strip club and doesn't even tip.

Is "Limitless" a new glass company I've never heard of?