
Promoting this for pure WTF factor.

Yes a steering wheel... Old cars had levers....also , kill yourself .

A steering wheel?

I don't think France understands how the internet or Google works.

Look at the amount of money actually involved. If you drive 15,000 miles a year and get 20MPG even if gas prices increase to $4 a gallon you're only paying $3000/year in gas. If you get a smaller car that gets 30MPG you'll pay $2000/year in gas. Saving $1000 a year or $83/month really isn't that much for most people,

I cheated. So what. facts is facts, and the Blue Flame is the fastest American car ever built. 630.478 MPH.


I think you circled the wrong car Brian. The slowly moving silver car is trying to creep through a red light.

just going to leave this right here...

CAIs only work when you TUNE for them.

Otherwise a modern engine will just re-adjust on its own. A Tune is required to see gains and make them stick.

"Ya know, I'm just not sure WHAT I saw.. I was kinda.. uh.. out of sorts at the time.."

Ahem, I give you the Toyota Avalon. FWD, so not a RWD Lexus (safety). Cheaper than a Lexus, because old people are cheap. Floaty like a boaty. Reliable. Has wood. Has leather. Distances you from the road a lot. Safe. Sold.

Hey guys, can I join in on the party?

Can I throw Indiana in that mix? Holy cow.

I don't think that's a-hole driver of the year. I'm pretty sure that's just poor, unaware driving. Bad. Embarrassing. Tough to miss an oncoming school bus. But unintentional. It's easy to judge, but this is like the equivalent of not noticing someone in your blind spot and almost side swiping them when you go to

My general rule of thumb is don't drive like a d*** if there are other cars around. Those people are looking to get from point a to point b and shouldn't be subjected to your s***. Going fast is dangerous. At least if there are no cars around, it's only dangerous to yourself

It isn't not a great driver's car.

If it was Scott Tucker - it couldn't happen to a nicer ... oh wait. Couldn't happen to an outstanding example of a tool.