Lamont Goings


Helloooo STAND UP FUCKING COMICS! Their Commerce is our uncomfortability.

Nailed IT!

Banks is just another jealous venomous media whore. Who will she come for next? She’s only going after the tops of the industry so she can get some heat. The broad is a lame ass never was who doesn’t deserve mention.

This is amateur psych driven drivel of highest order. I screwed up my academic career in major part because my peers couldn’t accept me. When I shucked academia & started being a tough guy black women were abundant. I’ve always regretted not having the guts to stick to my guns.

If any “real” death may be undone I’m betting on Gamora & Vision. Scarlet Witch has had enough loss & if she wants that gauntlet once Thanos is down it’ll only take a wave of her hand to get it.

I would’ve thought that given how the DNC and Hillary were clearly exposed as manipulating our Democratic process (while granted on a much less insidious scale then the Orange Menace) that Colin Kaepernick would have been vindicated on his voting stance by now. Hmmm I guess I thought wrong.

Considering the air of paranoia in political circles I wouldn’t be surprised. As for legal who cares? Is a “leak” gonna be illegal?

M’baku. Eric Killmonger wasn’t his cousin so I don’t see him hesitating like T’challa did. Plus Killmomger’s fighting style was all about overpowering T’challa which definitely would’ve failed against the Jabari King.


Unless you’ve walked in his shoes you need to STFU! Your statement does nothing to encourage victims moving forward. To top it off Crews’ situation is unique to being an African American male there are layers of shame he had to shrug off to speak. SHHHHHHH couch coach!