
You’ve heard of ‘Broken Window Theory’? Now, Rick and Co. just have to wait for the neighborhood to go to shit.

You know I was going to argue with you but... you’re pretty much right. The IDEA of investing is a sound one but sometime, probably sometime long ago, the economic value of a company and its stock value became more or less totally divorced.

Smart people should know all of these “web 2.0" companies that show no profits

Goading North Korea into WWIII, totes okay.

Calling out sexual harassers and collaborators, shut down.

F*&k you Twitter.

And that’s fine. It’s not their reaction to the movie itself that matters. I think their criticisms of the movie are perfectly valid, especially as they are viewing it through a lens of 35 years of narrative development. It would be impossible for someone today, having experienced a goodly portion of what has been

Well, if you’re generally not into visually groundbreaking, 80s-era science fiction based on a story from one the greatest sci-fi writers of all time (and that’s also a bit of a slog) then this movie is probably not for you.

Immoral tapitude if you will.

Can someone make me a bingo card with all of the “Alt”s? Not to make light or sound like an ass, but every day I’m hearing some new grouping and I’m honestly confused.

it’s $10 a month man jesus christ if you want all of the premiums you listed off buy the tickets like a normal person

Lol dude, any movie 10 bucks a month one movie a day...and you can’t slightly plan ahead?

Finally, Pakistan is now Sans Sharif.

Watersheep Down? amiright?

Calm your fucking tits, dude. This isn’t the Berlin Wall falling. They just announced an actor on a TV show.

Cool! In 2060, the store will remain a static, historic reminder of 2017 construction methods and architecture, due to the inability to upgrade anything inside the building.

I went outside to grab the paper this morning and rant into a Trump voting neighbor.

141 character launch code.

I only liked the first 10 minutes of Temple of Doom or however long it took for him to jump out of the plane. The movie went downhill from that point.

D.B. Pooper

Does? He’s already been sued for violating the fair housing act, cheated several cities and even several countries out of millions in property taxes (sometimes after his property renovations caused hundreds of thousands dollars worth of damages to the surrounding areas) bragged about his propensity to sexually assault