
He’s a good hire considering Miami has numerous young stars, particularly Stanton. Dealing with the fame and adulation can be difficult, often resulting in you believing the hype. Too often careers are derailed because a player’s ego grows and he develops a big head. Bonds sure has experience here.

Holy shit, my grandpa got a Kinja account.

the worst part is that was his haircut money

I think it would be fun to hear about a Barrett Jackson auction purchase, it’s coming up in January in Scottsdale. He could go in with a top 3-5 list. Here’s my top 3 of the few I’ve looked at so far:

My vote: Modern classic - do they live up to the hype / can you MAKE money holding onto one of these for a year?

You’re going to have to wait a minute for replies, Tim. Everyone’s busy Googling Lola Lily.

My money is still going with the Equus for comfort car.

So what you’re saying is, don’t test to see if it’s on the same way you would with a 9V battery.

I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the hispters gotta lay off, its not the end-all of cooking.

I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the

Couldn’t we just send them to a farm upstate where they can run and play with other retired athletes?

It’s less “ha ha” funny and more “Cam Newton gets shit for doing something no one questions any white guy in the league for doing because he’s black” funny.

It comes as no surprise that Kobe wrote this in the present tense, rather than the past.

Dear Mr. Watt,

Monmouth also is coached by the Tom Brady Courtroom Sketch

Oh god. Way too much Eastern European man in love with himself and way too little French Bulldog singing.

My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

Dad when I was 15: “You could stand to lose a few...” I was around 135 then...and I’m 5’7”.

I was just chilling, doing a little hunting, when I saw them roll up. I don’t like to pass judgement, but these guys looked weird. They were like a bad semi-Goth band with hipster tendencies for wool and poorly fitting jackets. Ugh, those hats were atrocious too. And they were rolling deep. Women, animals, you name