
Not a good idea to suction oil from top instead of draining from bottom. You will never get the particles that settled in the oil pan. Always best to drain at oil plug. I drain my oil while engine is warm (not hot for safety reasons). This way oil will flow out easier. Never go to quick oil change places. They always

An unnecessary article.

Unfortunately, because of prior experience with dealers I avoid them and try to buy my cars from private sellers. They tend to lie especially on minor body repairs. They pass the car as pristine.

Although it was a small (drift) boat, I have a similar story. Private older seller who lived in a nice house by a lake. Boat was older but had a few accessories. I asked if I can put the boat on the water and he came up with some excuse that there was no place to launch. I ended up getting it anyway. A few days later

Id like to see it raised at least 2", a roof rack and all wheel drive. And yes, a name change will help.

I hope it does not require premium fuel. Bad enough these luxury cars are expensive already. Not they slap you with even more expensive fuel when many cars run on regular fuel just fine. Its a deal breaker If it requires premium fuel.

A few years ago it occurred to me to check if I had any retirement or pension from a consulting engineering firm I left 20 years ago where I spent 9 years. The company was bought out so I called the new company. They directed me to an administrator who was issuing the pensions for the previous firm. I won’t be

If you read the article it says Google is a better gps.