
I haven't seen Baby Driver yet, but I'm irrationally happy that "Debora" is in a movie

Yup. He and Bowie both did the rhyming kids' name thing. I forgot who did it first, but they were referencing each other.

I'm total caffeine junkie, and when I feel that headache coming on, I'll pretty much drink any coffee as long as it's hot. Especially since I don't like soda.
By the way, what's QT? I don't think we have that where I'm at.

Quote replaces E Pluribus Unum on all US currency

1. See Emily Play
2. Wish You Were Here
That is all

I'm not super-picky either, but I do have a line just above Yuban. Dunkin' Donuts coffee is sub-Folgers level bad.

I've also been house hunting for way longer than I expected. You on the west coast?
(also "off market" probably doesn't mean there's an offer)

Scalding Hot Take: Their coffee is nasty

Martin Shkreli Confirmed as New Surgeon General

I guess I might not have kept up on his image over the years. I thought his whole deal was laid-back southern trucker, so when I saw those commercials, they seemed way off.

Oh, I believe it'll pass, but not with a veto-proof majority. We can hope though

Whatever happened to predictability?
The local milk people, the paperboy
And evening TV?

For some reason, I only remember one episode from when Car 54 Where Are You was on Nick At Night in the 80's, and it's the one where the dumb cop is in some sort of word of the week club and has to fit the word into conversations to prove he's smart. His word was "Aardvark".
That is all. Carry on.


Seeing as how Trump is just about the shittiest boss to work for, and even people he hires himself end up despising him to the point of leaking every damaging thing they can get their hands on, I think the grand jury is a way to create more bargaining chips. How many people has he entrusted with legally damaging

Hmmm. Do they have cable?

And I will reply to that comment!

He's been in there a while now. He was one of the writers of Trump's muslim ban executive order, if I remember right. I guess they just thought he was finally camera ready. They were wrong

That'd be tough to get through the house. I think the more likely scenario is that, if he's fired, he'll immediately be appointed as an independent council by the senate.

That was the pre-internet days. Plus, it involved a President who was a lot better at trying to hide his guilt.