Canada-brag should definitely become a new term.
Canada-brag should definitely become a new term.
The problem is, pretty much any woman can do porn if she is willing. Very few guys can do it, for performance reasons.
Eh... I don’t know what hot really means as a heterosexual guy but most male porn stars are basically He-Man, muscle bound stud type guys. They are the same level of “hot” as the female porn stars in my eyes (which is a certain trashy kind of plastic “hot”, rather than beautiful for the most part). No they are not…
Yeah, so? I was just telling you that your idea that there is no stigma towards sexual assaulters and rapists is completely divorced from reality.
My creepy nigga Cosby alert is going off!
That’s a pretty sick attitude, to suggest that rape survivors would be better off dead.
I would say there is definitely more stigma to being a sex offender, in America at least. America is obsessed with violence and at least a certain percentage of the population will look more favourably upon murder, perhaps seeing it as “badass” or possibly righteous. Sex as a whole is much more stigmatized and the…
To be fair, he was 18 and she was 15. This is less about age and more about the fact that he raped her. This is not a case of simple statutory rape with an otherwise consenting victim. It was force-able rape.
Sexual assault has no stigma? Are you seriously trying to say that there is no social stigma to being a registered sex offender in the USA? You are living in la-la land. The attitudes of certain people in law enforcement or the republican party aside, sex crimes are the MOST highly stigmatized in all of American…
I doubt it...It really seems like he doesn’t like motorcycles and wanted to teach him a lesson for trying to pass on a double yellow. Also seems like he was intentionally going slow to provoke him.
Still difficult to prove. He does say when confronted that a bee stung him. It would be impossible to prove in court especially considering his age.
If you are going 20 mph under the speed limit and a cop sees you, 99% of the time you will be getting pulled over.
Of course he would be fine with that! After all, they are both being jerks! He was being a jerk for passing on a double yellow, and the other guy was being a jerk by blowing his brains out with a .45! Two wrongs don’t make a right, everyone is a jerk in this situation!
According to the dictionary, male and female are both nouns and adjectives.
It’s more of a feminist theory. The idea is that MAYBE women are actually better suited for ultramarathons and they just need a few more decades of women running ultramarathons to prove it.
Are you using the real dictionary or your made up dictionary? Because male/female are both nouns and adjectives and always have been.
Simmering is for squares, square!
Sound and proven engineering practice? Whatever GRANDMA!
I don’t know if you meant to respond to me or someone else because what you just wrote makes no sense in response to my comment.
I don’t disagree with you but her crime wasn’t just “abusing the trust they had with the victim”. In order to create child pornography you have to actually molest children. So the marine is merely a child pornography consumer (based on this one case at least) whereas she is not only a manufacturer but also a child…