
Why does it have to be relevant? It’s just a detail in the story. Honestly, I think some people actually need to think a little LESS.

Oh FFS...she was just saying it makes it extra creepy and wrong. Why do you have to make such an argument out of that? It’s a pretty simple sentiment. Kind of like how murder is always wrong but if someone kills someone and eats them that makes it a little more fucked up. You don’t have to (for some bizarre reason)

Thank god. This whole shade thing has been tired and unfunny pretty much right from the beginning.

It’s kind of bullshit that black women don’t get rewarded for their role in pop culture though considering for example that 10 out of the top 17 female grammy winners of all time have been black women.

Both you are the article are completely reaching when you say Cho and the Aurora killer were motivated by misogyny or MRA attitudes. Just because the Aurora killer broke up with a girlfriend once? Because Cho stalked two women in the past? Neither of them cited anything to do with women as influencing their actions,

Are MRA attitudes really that common among these guys? It didn’t play a role in most of the major mass shootings such as Aurora, Newtown, Columbine, Virginia Tech, Port Arthur, Charleston, Utoya etc.

Shootings in general are guns, but mass shooters inparticular tend to follow a similar pattern of misogyny and social isolation.”

I wrote a two second little comment on a story because I was bored at work. I didn’t make signs and march on Washington. Chill out brah.

His mother is obviously a fucking nutjob, pure and simple. She isn’t magically going to see the light and become reasonable.

Because it demonstrates an obsession and sick fetish. You probably have tons of fantasies swimming around in your head about being Captain Fucking America and taking down some bad guys with your gun, but you’re more likely to just kill your family with it, have your toddler shoot themselves in the head, or shoot

Well they are not kids they are university students but yeah they will probably grow out of it.

Yeah, cus I said that, or even implied that. That is not the issue here whatsoever. There is no need to take a million pictures of yourself. It’s stupid and annoying. Can’t it just be about that? Do you find it stressful to constantly dig through thousands of layers of invisible subtext to find tracings of patriarchal

“Quick! Find a way to make this about a man!”

I’ve heard of it occurring with kitchen staff before regardless, but I can honestly say I’ve never, ever heard of a tip out to custodial staff.”

You really can’t see why this is stupid? The narcissism, the addiction to their phones, the inability to connect to the world around them. It’s all pretty sad. I mean it’s not like they took one or two selfies, they were all literally glued to their phones the whole time taking selfie after selfie. The announcer is

Yeah, I don’t think that’s true. People are not more outraged by this.

History books will not look back kindly on modern day America. It will be regarded as a hideous cess pit of violence and materialism and a despicable culture. It will be held up as a tragic example of what can go wrong in human culture.

That’s probably because about 10 people explained it to you before you said “Oh I get it”, except the last person to explain it to you didn’t say anything new. They said the exact same thing as everyone else. So yeah, sorry if we’re “being rude” but for fuck’s sake dude, get a CLUE. You’re making Norway look bad,

Argh you are so infuriatingly stupid. Sorry dude, but really, you’re quite unintelligent and obtuse.

Can’t tell if you are trolling or just have a low IQ. Can you really not understand the simple concept that it’s not about the pizzas?