Let's Discuss This Rationally, Shall We?

The article is missing a key component here: “Why doesn’t my wife/long-term partner want to have sex with me when I want it?”

Can anyone explain to me why “Sucklord” is the sole source for this article and what his qualifications are other than his claim that he set his own personal record for sex?

The issue is dealers reinvest their profit in more vehicles.”

Given the markups they’ve been slapping on vehicles, screw ‘em.

Fuck them. I am not going to cry because now they have to pay tax on their “market adjustments” and “undercoating fees”.

who said he set his all-time sex-having record last summer.

That’s kind of scary. 

except thats not how modern dealerships work. Most dealers are on manufacturer financed inventories and simply borrow the money rather than invest converted profits. 

Stealerships gonna steal... Let me buy from the manufacturer already. Put this archaic legacy BS to bed. What year is it anyway?  I dont need/want their consumer protection for a nominal fee.

You are right. As long as you realize that if taxation is theft and you should not have to pay it, then you should be arrested the moment you drive on a road, walk on pavement, enter an airport use any vehicle that requires air traffic control, etc... for theft as well. 

Question: how would you fund the government and the country then?

Stop the flow of new vehicles and sell off much of what’s left, which happened at dealerships in 2021, and a mountain of past-tax deferments come due at once.

Fuck them. They have been cleaning up on used car sales and massive overcharging for new ones. I have zero sympathies for them. One dealer has a Maverick XLT listed for 52 grand. 

“Hey, we’ve been able to avoid the majority of taxes for years, but our most profitable year in a long time messed that up. Can we just not pay?”

If you don’t receive your blaccent within 30 days of starting to talk please contact the linguistics division and they’ll happily send you a new one.

“When did Black People become a language?”

Thank you. Although I am forever in the greys, I had to comment. This nonsense needs to end. The Twitter outrage machine is just exhausting. I don’t have a blaccent.  How do I get one?  I would hate to lose my membership.

“The whole thing just felt tone-deaf and super awkward.”

I have 3 questions:

There’s some more context required. The post office is over 99% self funded. But it does receive an extremely small amount of federal funding.