Fuck around find out, apparently.
Fuck around find out, apparently.
Call me a prude but I think any game that lets you choose between two different penis’ should be labeled NSFW
I think you are stuck with what you see online and your own echo chamber. Like panel gaps, most people just don’t care.
Other Manufacturers “because we want to exist in 10 years.”
Parts-bin special, sure. But they’re putting some real emphasis on the “special.” Just enjoy the crazy. It’s easier that way.
Post offices are large commercial buildings that suck down some serious amperage to keep air conditioned. Turn off half or so of the AC systems at night (when it likely isn’t needed) and switch that power supply to a pile of Level 2 chargers. Charging your vehicles in 10 hours is perfectly fine in this case.
This, plus:
Well well well...it seems public shaming does work on some people. At least a little.
If anything, this should be the easiest damn thing to plan out for electric vehicles....
I feel ripped off - that header image had me believing all I needed to do was not fuck a monkey, which I can suffer through for 10 - 14 days.
“Are you jealous?”
I recently caught it from a family member. I still mask up if I’m going to be in high crowded areas. It just made me mad that I dodged it for over 2 years and just happened to get it from a single run in. Thankfully though I was triple vaxxed and I had an extremely mild case that was comparable to allergies. It still…
And he’s doing a great job; she’s already up to nine!
I don’t think you can just say that yet. Death rates of some strains in Africa are as high as 10%. The death rate in Africa so far is a little under 5%. It doesn’t look like any people have died outside of Africa.
Epidemics have nothing to do with severity. They are just a localized outbreak of an infectious disease among a population.
so if everyone wears a mask it will...
It does if the mask prevents the saliva and other fluids containing the virus from getting to your nose and mouth. I read a study saying wearing a mask is about 80% effective at preventing YOU from contracting the virus. It’s not 100%, but if you were told one restaurant was 80% lower chance of you getting food…
Lick the boot elsewhere.