Bull Moose

That’s ridiculous.

Yeah, I came here to say the same thing.

If it was revealed during her confirmation hearing that Sonia Sotomayor had an abortion in high school, you know these conservative hypocrites would have rode her out of town on a rail.

Fortnite is fucking terrible. It’s Minecraft for teenagers. 

I wasn’t diagnosing. I was merely pointing out that the symptoms pointed more toward those areas.

Actually the symptoms sound more like paranoid schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder, but go ahead and make some wild assumptions based on absolutely no peer-reviewed data just to fit some media narrative.

You didn’t Vike that?

None of these are symptoms of CTE, but keep trying. 

The Queen of Wrong Style. 

I mean...why would anyone subscribe to The Athletic when I can get my breaking news and hot takes for free on Twitter and ESPN.com and Deadspin?

Yes, we’re doomed.

Fuck capitalism. 

Agreed. The League would rather have David Carr healthy and William Hayes out for the season rather than the other way around, so good job, Rules Nerds. 

Poor troll job. Too many words. Try harder.

This is a delicate, underrated comment.

This is the right response. If any people “beat themselves” it’s Democrats. I think it’s written in Latin on the DNC logo in fact. 

Republicans - and more specifically Trump supporters - care about one thing and one thing alone: “owning the libs”.

Sure, I over-simplified this, I know.

This is the right answer.

Sanders isn’t a Democrat.