You’re right, and I think that is due in large part to people looking at both parties and thinking, “These two groups of old people share fuckall with me policy-wise.”
You’re right, and I think that is due in large part to people looking at both parties and thinking, “These two groups of old people share fuckall with me policy-wise.”
Dude, we elected a walking, talking bag of dicks as president mostly because people hate Hillary so much. The Democratic Party seriously considered nominating an avowed socialist because people hate her so much.
No. The antipathy is real, and so is the apathy.
Thank you for hilariously proving my point.
Capitalism = misogyny.
Centrist = A less bigoted, less sexist Republican.
If centrists love one thing, it is lecturing progressives while offering no alternatives and no results.
The fact that the FBI is involved suggests that it involves transporting a minor across state lines for the purpose of sex.
Agreed. But I was speaking about voters in general, rather than politicians.
I was speaking of the voters, not the politicians.
Yeah, you nailed it. If I have learned anything these last two years, it is that nothing matters. People have their favorites. They support who they support come hell or high water, and nothing nothing nothing will change their minds. Faced with any facts or evidence that contradicts their world view or gets in the…
Yeah, I didn’t mean to be flippant about sexual harassment of women. It’s clearly repugnant and not a joke, but some of the reports of the behavior sounds like nothing more than awful, ham-fisted, juvenile attempts at “flirting” or overly-aggressive “seduction”. I read them and I’m like “Do these men really think that…
Honestly, the more I read about these serial harassers, the more I realize the problem is they have no game.
How long before Jezebel hires her as a senior editor?
Somewhere, Bill Belichick and Nick Saban just simultaneously ejaculated.
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.”
This is what happens when you are a billionaire with Fuck You Money that runs an industry monopoly: you can do whatever the fuck you want and don’t have to care what your consumers think.
“Krispy Kreme? Naw, I want duct tape. Cash them in for duct tape. You can use that for anything. A lot more useful than food. I use duct tape all the time, especially when I exercise,”
This is great. Please keep writing these.