Bull Moose

Give me a Gen Zer over a millennial ANY day.

And this would further divide the country and entrench the Trumpers in their belief of a mainstream media - Deep State conspiracy to overthrow the rule of law.

FFS, it’s Raj Shah and everyone knows it.

Yes, that’s a brilliant strategy.

If they wanted to go the safe, unobjectionable route, they could’ve just named the team Miami FC.

Dude, this literally changes nothing.

I would trade the last 15 years of your heartbreaking near-misses in the playoffs for the last 15 years of whatever the fuck our franchise has done.

By “we” you mean America, right?

Intractable asshole is nothing to joke about.

I would rather die than go to California OR Alabama. So no.

Please google “Straw Man”.

Other notable antifa:

The Florida gubernatorial election is going to be a fucking bloodbath. I doubt any state in the Union is more polarized. Rural vs. urban. White redneck vs. minority. North vs. South.

I am no fan of LEOs about that “kick to the chest” was a glancing blow at best and in no way would have caused a “broken clavicle and fractured rib”. Moreover, he showed no ill effects after the kick. Perhaps he sustained those injuries while being forced to the ground and cuffed, but that kick wouldn’t even make

Buying a gun and being willing to use it isn’t a bad idea either.

No, in economic and financial policy they have been indistinguishable from Republicans for 40 years. It took the Great Recession for people to realize this.

This is absolutely correct, and has everything to do with Citizens United (ie. big money in politics). Billionaire and millionaire donors and corporate interests control both parties through donations. The little guy who can’t write a $100000 check to the GOP or the DNC and who might hold progressive ideals is left

Get rid of Of Mice and Men and Catcher In The Rye?

LOL You begin with the premise that these GOP politicians and their staff got into politics for “public service” and “patriotic duty” rather than to increase personal wealth and maintain party power.

I know you’re being sarcastic, but your comment would pass for legitimate discussion among the Fox News website commenters.