
History. What's the point?

"Fuck reading words" - BHN-543

They're ramming it down our throats on every Gawker Media blog....

Why not talk about how Oregon and Portland moved away from racism? Wouldn't that be more meaningful?

Kind of what I got.

I had no idea and frankly, as a southerner who is sick and tired of everyone pretending that racism is confined to the south, I am now educated and can educate the regionalists who try to pretend like we're the only place in the country with a race problem. I get that people like you would like to ignore the race

The point is that the majority of the U.S. population associate racism almost exclusively with the south, and that is inaccurate.

I think the point is that what we perceive as a liberal enclave has a racist past more associated with Southern backwaters, and that in some part it has the luxury of being a liberal enclave in part because of that racist past.

I remember this taught in our history classes in school. The Northwest is well aware of Oregon's white supremacist past. Is this just a raising awareness thing...? I mean, it's history, so it's an interesting article and I enjoyed reading it, but I was kind of wondering where it was going.

A racist past, yes, but one that is taught in classrooms as being a product strictly of the American south while washing over the racism of northern cities.

Fascinating read that my Portland-loving friends will surely hate. Now why can't we have articles of this substance on tech topics too? Not to take anything away from this piece, which is one of the longest, most thorough articles of any kind, on any subject, I've read on Giz in months.

I do.

do women even want to be directors tho

guaranteed she already has glitter all over her. she won't even notice.