
I have never heard someone use "verticals" as a noun in an actual human conversation.

I feel like you kinda missed the point as well, though - the author clearly indicates that mass amounts of data are now freely available to basically every sports organization. His point is that instead of judging how well

In what way does this ruling have any effect on free speech?


Service by Chinook or no deal.

Just a public service announcement to you over sensitive feminists out there looking for men to hate...

"toss a hole"

The best part of this idiotic reply is the use of "hole institution". Perfect.

...thanks for this. The comments are going to be hilarious.

I've figured out part of the problem. I believe "hole institution" is being used quite correctly and literally. And got dismissed for the observation.

I see one problem.. "Hole institution" may be being taken literally.

Fudge doesn't have eggs. Neither do bagels. #notallbakedgoods

this is a troll post.

"Blah, blah, blah, I just want to be contrary so I can get a long comment thread going to entertain me this afternoon."



So what's your solution? Ban all fraternities and sororities? You better come up with something more realistic, because that will never happen

Trolling is a art.

And the way the present White House resident is doing things a big Racist future

Everyone is at least little bit racist, there is a lot of scientific evidence to back that up. It's just part of human nature to be tribalistic. This article is just giving us some historical insight for a state that has a reputation for being very progressive and liberal. It's not intended to make people angry,

I would have to correct the poster, the Oregon constitution at the time had no need to explicitly exclude Chinese people the American government at the time specifically passed laws against the Chinese. It was the first federal law, specifically picking out a racial group to exclude from entry into the united states.h