
Holy shit. How did I miss the Secret Service being transferred from Treasury to DHS in 2003?!? I wasn’t even on drugs then.

Secret Service (under DHS) has a lot of financial crime investigation in its portfolio:

A white woman in charge of the CIA. Instead of a torturing roast beef sandwich, we have a torturing turkey sandwich. But it’s still enclosed in white bread.

“Most men think this is what sex is”

I had to stop reading about halfway through. This is why I don’t date anymore. Most men think this is what sex is. This isn’t sex. This is snuff.

anchor delivered journalistic responsibility messages

What they are really about is doing whatever the fuck they want while completely dominating and/or destroying people they don’t like. Anything that interferes with that ideology...well, we are seeing it.

I hear Barron’s very good with the cyber. Why didn’t Trump just ask him?


You should read more Kotaku, it’s clearly Street Fighter 69

yeah the 2016-2020(2024? oh god, please no) section of future american history textbooks is going to be dumpster fire.

Well to be fair to all the bible thumping rubes, Obama was exceedingly black.


A cinderblock. Trump is the Cinderblock, the GOP is the dryer.

Old people tend to die.

Stupidity is a powerful drug.

I mean I think understand what you’re getting at, and I’ve read the article that you posted—I just disagree that not understanding or using email or preferring print newspapers and bike messengers to more modern solutions all amounts to his being “too smart” to use computers. If anything it makes it clear that he’s

Military coup and a caretaker government

Watch out for the Hasidic guy in the gray van barrelling down the street. He might honk, but you better move your tuchus, cause he ain’t stopping.

The follow-up quote, “I just want to understand why Jewish people and black people and Mexican people, why they’re all so horrible,” certainly means something.