
I don’t think this Huelskamp guy knows any scientists. In my experience, you will never find a scientist who says the debate is over, proving other scientists wrong is their whole reason for being.

Well-behaved cartoon girls rarely make history.

Maggie shot the rich right-wing industrialist. If Lisa is the Democrat party, Maggie is the weather underground.

Maggie once shot a guy, Homer is hugely negligent in his position of environmental oversight, Bart regularly commits fraud, and Marge is an ex-felon with a gambling addiction, but for some reason she’s the moral authority of the family. Sounds like the GOP to me.

This is going to be unpopular; Homer is a dick. He’s selfish and lazy and complacent. Yeah I know he does kind things occasionally but mostly he’s a dick. He’s the guy who treats you like shit, does one nice thing, and uses it as leverage the other 99% of the time. If Homer was a real guy, you would want nothing to do

He’s been killing it this year, right? He posted this right after the SOTU speech:

Another important federal agency is being destroyed through cronyism and corruption. Todays news in unqualified executive appointments (with an even less qualified deputy)...

I read an article a few months ago that said it became known as Spanish Flu because Spain didn’t seem to have a news blackout around it like many other countries did. This article traced the point of origin as actually being in Kansas, of all places. The Kansas Flu. Hm.

Nobody tell her about the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 which killed between 40 and 100 million people. And everyone knows 1918 was way before gay people existed, so it’s not like it was sent as a plague for our sinfulness like modern plagues.

Except he could basically confirm that he gives Putin state secrets and blowjobs on the regular and it would still be irrelevant unless Congress decides to impeach, which they are under no obligation to do. It all seems unlikely unless somehow the almost 40% (!!) of voters who blindly support Trump suddenly decide to

Gender standards do exist, though. Being a social construct doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Money is a social construct, but that doesn’t mean you are out throwing it into the gutter.

The acronym so nice, it deports you twice.

As soon as Ohio gets off her shift she will join the and fray whoop the shit out of both of those state-shaped retirement homes.

Could it be that Arizona is getting tired of being a national laughing stock?

Some troops in Iraq/Afghanistan wore them to stop a sapi plate carrier from chafing their neck, and because it looks cool and “operators” (special forces guys) wore them. By the time I deployed they weren’t being allowed by most commands so guys wanted to wear them even more. This old guy is either a vet who wants to

The best way to read Maureen Dowd is not at all.

This. She’s fulfilling her end of the contract and doing it willingly.

What he looks like is Grumpy Cat as a human.

I know, right? Does anyone thing MPR wanted to fire its most popular and famous star? Does anyone thing they were waiting for some woman to talk about how she felt not-so-great about that one time he touched her back and dumped all the stuff from his desk on the curb in a cardboard box and then sat back and cackled,

Gravity and lying.