
On a real network, without editorially mandated talking points, there’s every chance she may just be merely bad, rather than awful.

No, just a bigot with power.

In all seriousness, people voting for this guy need to have their citizenship revoked and be immediately exiled.

Maybe that’s the only time he can get his phone back from his aides? Serious question: how much of his constant attacks on Machado are a heavy handed attempt to frighten other women who have also been mistreated by him from going public?

I’ll take the low road. A headline that said he was found dead after a neighbor reported the smell wouldn’t cause me any stress.

The day that I can read the news without having to come across the name Donald Trump will be one of the happiest days of my life.

The Rant Is Too Damn High

Apparently the sketch hits a little too close to home. Anyway, this statement is clearly a fake: it was sent out by Rush Limbaugh and the GOP in a lame attempt to make them look humorless. Right? Right.

“Fuck Portlandia! Transmisogyny – Racism – Gentrification – Queer Antagonism – Devaluation of Feminist Discourse.”

i remain unconvinced that this is not a portlandia sketch

Portlandia, In Other Words, not funny.

She needs to know!

Ah, but Ryan wasn’t looking for a pin, because she be a lady.

Mike Pence is a dead ringer for an extremely bitter custodian at a school I used to work at.

I feel like it’s entirely possible that when Ryan is away from the Capitol building, he tries to think about his colleagues as little as possible.

Maybe ryanbot is programmed to ignore anyone who is not a white man.

Oh I thought from the picture you were going to say he didn’t recognize Pence (who used to be in Congress), which would have been fucking hilarious.

I mean it’s Terry Gross. She’s basically a radio Freudian so she’s going to ask you all about your formative years and your sex life.

Consenting adults can do what they want, I guess.

I just don’t understand women who date cops.