
Wow, the lighting in that place REALLY sets off the dye in his hair. It’s like a blacklight rave or something.

Maybe he should have just sent the last tweet?

I feel the same way about on fleek. No...just no.

I had to cater one of his fundraisers. His staff didn’t tip, but a Rubi-bro fell into a koi pond, so that kind of made up for it.

Hey Rubio and team:

I miss weed.

I have Hashimoto’s, so I take a pill for that every morning. After I had been diagnosed with that a few years, all of my pre-diagnosis symptoms came back. My endocrinologist suggested eliminating gluten from my diet, since my bloodwork was absolutely perfect so changing my dosage likely wouldn’t make me feel better.

Yeah, I know someone that flew to Thailand to get gender reassignment surgery because it’s so expensive here and not covered by insurance. Getting such life-changing surgery alone in a foreign country must have been really scary, now that I’m thinking about it.

I know the daughters of a woman who had breast cancer, but never did conventional treatment for it. Did all the faith healing, food stuff, and guess what? She’s dead now, died in horrible pain (she refused morphine). Her daughters were 15 and 17 when she died. The stage they caught her cancer at - she most likely

It all seems like a prop up for him to sell his stab-proof belt buckle outside of the capitol building tonight.

“to *change us* from a Judeo-Christian foundation to a Muslim foundation.”

Dude MUST have either discovered the wonders of face *makeup* - or literally started some next level, unhinged performance art.

I am currently reading “One of Us. The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway”. It’s frightening how much some of Breivik’s rhetoric about Islamic cultural take over sounds like a couple of our presidential candidates. I have taken to reading passages of the book versus news stories to my husband and


How about this. We let everyone who wants to leave get out, then Texas can finally secede from the Union like they’ve had a boner about for decades. Then we build a wall around Texas and see how long those fuckers last.

Motherfucker I just moved from Louisiana where Bobby Jindal was raining ruination and conservative fuckery down on everything, and now I’ve got to deal with this Jade Helm tin foil behatted jackass?

I’ve been approached and asked out on in public a few times in the last year or two (not trying to humble brag), in a respectful, “I acknowledge that you’re a human being and not a thing,” not-street-harassment kinda way. It’s awkward, because I am SUPER married, and that revelation inspires some pretty sheepish

I ask fellas out on dates all the time. Like, in real life. I also get asked out on the reg, but it’s usually by skeevy middle aged dudes at the liquor store where I work. So....

Is it true that, at least until recently, any and all Cuban citizens who so much as put one toe on American soil, were granted automatic citizenship (or at the least legitimate asylum), ergo, they don't have to worry about this shit anyway?

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

This dumb fuck is the son of a cuban citizen who obtained political asylum here in the states, you would think of ALL people he would be a bit more sensitive to needs to immigrants. He is the worst kind of human trash, a rat faced hypocrite.