
I also don’t accept the premise that just because I am overweight and afraid of crashing that I would not make a good professional cyclist.

Somebody stop me before I buy this book.

First of all, I don’t accept your premise that I’m not qualified to play starting center for the LA Clippers. I mean yes, I’m 5’3” and a bit soft in the middle, but a losing record is good for a team, not bad.

He’s only 2! Does that seem too young to go to school to anyone else? Even if it’s for like...3 hours or something...he’s still so young!

Shlepping his own backpack, no less! I see 4th and 5th graders at my kid’s school who still rely on their Sherpa parents to carry their own shit.

That is an accurate statement, but it comes from someone who is primarily famous for failing and then lying about it. Sort of like a Cheney.

You seem to be confusing vigilantism with opinions. For instance, I think Jay Leno is more interesting as a car guy than a comedian. I don’t find him funny. If a lot of people agree with me, that is the court of public opinion. If we set fire to a building during a comedy set, that is vigilantism.

How do these same assholes feel about the fact that the U.S. has supplied all of those F-16s that Middle Eastern countries own?

They’re currently out of stock. Anyone know where I can get one?


Race is only irrelevant when there are no white people around.

No, keep going until you get to Brietbart, jerk.

You just wait. As soon as we get that black lives matter/Crips & Bloods/Syrian refugee army going and put all of the conservatives into Fema camps, things will turn around.

Why is her race relevant at all?

They are a lot better off than they were after the last Republican president... just like everyone else in this country... because he fucking decimated our economy.

I mean, that is largely what I’m paid for, but I’m not paid much. I can’t imagine getting paid that much to sit on my thumb and do a press conference every few weeks.

I totally forgot about Octomom’s existence, which on the one hand proves your point entirely, and on the other I’m sad about because I feel like Octomom’s story is basically the open-and-shut case for the point I’m trying to make.

I don’t know. It’s terrifying, though. Especially since she is obviously still of the mind that these things being “public” is the worst part of it all. That’s very bad. Since she is obviously dead set on keeping their family together, that attitude is prime for allowing abuse to continue. They will probably be extra,

Unless that single supportive non-fundamentalist friend was willing to pay her bills until her children leave home, I’m not really seeing what explaining her “rights as an adult” would do to help her situation.

For real though. I’m grateful I ended up with my specific shitty life instead of her shitty life.