
Eh. They were driving around my neighborhood on meth, with a loaded gun in the car, following a UPS driver, stealing packages off people’s doorsteps. So, I feel some pity, but also some fear of them. I think it’s more a portrait of drug use than general poverty (which I know, at times have correlation).

Uhhh... did you see his reaction? He kind of flicks his tongue a little... I’m thinking it’s at least a 50/50


As a male, I got it as a part of a clinical trial* (back when it was not covered for men). Which I thought was pretty cool.

All good points, but for me the worst bullshit is that there’s no regular HPV test for men. A rectal swab can help screen for anal cancers and precancerous cell changes caused by HPV, but it’s rarely given to men during routine STI tests. Sure, I have to have a stranger’s hand up my vag at least once per year, but god

When you think about the number of people who still have their sons circumcised because “Oh well I’ve heard he won’t get genital warts/spread cervical caner”, the low usage of HPV vaccines is ridiculous.

It’s as safe as any other vaccine

did you read the literature that comes with it? It states it may or may not prevent hpv. maybe they’ve improved the vaccince since the last time I looked into it, but seven or so years ago, it was snake oil.

The fiancé and I met I the Army many years ago, we’re getting ready to start a family and seeing as how I have no personal connection to my last name I’ll be taking hers when we tie the knot (partially because it’s badass and I’ll sound like a spy or international art thief) for ease of paperwork, children and because

Yes! Thank you! This is coming from a woman that HATES her father, has a lukewarm relationship with her father’s family but kept her last name after marriage because IT IS MY LAST NAME!!!!!

I know it’s just a typo but for a second there I was pretty excited about the Fairy Conservative South.

Umm... did you read the article? He was peeling it off and the dealer told him to stop. Is your argument that he should have done it sooner and he’s stupid because he didn’t? That’s just retarded.

Yeah but Trump hasn’t raped anyone. This year.

Bulfright 2016

Hey, what are the reasons I should dislike him? Too lazy to Google. Is he really horrible? Worse than HRC? Inquiring minds. Bored at the doctor's office.

I’m holding all my donations until Carly and Hillary to do their fusion dance and become Fiornton in order to take out Trump’s final form.

...and then demanded that his followers dink blood and eat flesh. Definitely a zombie.

Considering these people truly believe that Jesus was killed and then rose from the dead, you’d think they would be much more receptive to this very appropriate zombie nativity scene.

So no Hindus or Buddhists along with the obvious no Muslims? That eliminates a lot of small businesses. Oh, and of course no Native American religions because those people obviously don’t belong here.

Agreed especially if the men are all kind of teary eyed the whole time but DONT get your tears in my drink unless it's a margarita