Tanks for the great suggestion.
Tanks for the great suggestion.
Or a moron bot....
There was plenty of Russian involvement (source: DIA/CIA/NSA/GFY). But you are right, Hillary lost on her own (lack of) merits.
A Congress comprised entirely of 20-30 year olds isn’t diverse - it’s a giant collective navel-gazery (and the minimum age is 27 btw).
Well said. We need a Berniecrat under 50. Hell, any Democrat under 50.
You are, just not in Kentarkansasippi.
I bet she does her mom’s patented shoulder-shimmy before slamming him back in 140 deft characters (and she’ll no doubt do it again)
That’s also one reason many little leagues ban aluminum bats - balls hit with wood have lower velocity.
That muffled sound you hear is Charles Darwin applauding you from the grave.
Is there a medical specialty that involves having your head up your ass?
It’d be tough to come up with a better gay porn star name than... Britt Beemer.
She probably paid the vendors on time. That’s a big no-no in their world.
It saddens me how accurate that is.
I look forward to seeing Mr. Session’s grand wizardry on display tomorrow.
LOL tone policing Jezebel.
Substitute “Donald Trump” in your post and see how it looks.
He would be awesome. But ‘Murica is not gonna like his confirmed bachelorhood.
A spineless GOP majority in both houses who are terrified of the TrumpTard base.
So now we know “Jesus” doesn’t work as a safe word.
Do the worlds “Alberta oil sands” ring a bell?