Essie is a key ingredient in meth.
Essie is a key ingredient in meth.
Cool story.
Another one: DJ Khaled is James Franco in a fat suit.
Now, I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works.
Excellent Thai hospitals such as Bumrungrad are far, far less scary than average U.S. ones, with better outcomes as well.
good thing here in the US we don’t have easy access to....uh....crap.
Trying to picture what, exactly being SUPER married entails.
That is STILL the case believe it or not.
“very pricey private prep school” is the real world?
She’s going to love the real world.
Don’t worry - they don’t start boarding school in the U.K. until at least 3 1/2.
Carly Fiorina is the Carly Fiorina of politics.
You might check between the minarets down the Casbah way.
Allah Ack-Ack bar.
Is a halving of the jobless rate on President Obama’s watch enough actual data for you or would you like more facts to choke on?
Totally. Ask Octomom about her post-show “career” options. Few, if any of them involve keeping clothing on.
Not snake oil. Just legalese to ward off slimy tort lawyers trolling for spurious class action cases. There’s a lot of CYA language in all drug descriptions.
I’d wager that a solid majority of anti-vaxxers also get apoplectic about circumcision.