buh-lurred lines

Gee Spike, sorry Green Book isn’t “cool” and “hip” enough for you.

The whole cancel culture thing surrounding Woody Allen is nuts; he’s innocent, everyone’s known about it for decades, it just makes the actors who starred in this really gross, not for starring in a movie by the guy, but for sucking up his cred factor and treating him like garbage after the fact. It’s so wrong.

Meme culture is for young folks.

That bad thing may help turn this country around, I don’t know.

Man, this was a tough read

you melonhead

You’re the one trying to have it both ways...

You’re the one citing Chinese numbers, goomba.

I guess China doesn’t understand math and statistics either, so sad, amirite?

Also you do know that China went into a lockdown that far surpassed ours, right?

Couldn’t hear you over 200,000 dead Americans.

Right-wing bloggers and Trump’s personal dude says “no we didn’t!” Fact-checkers say he did. Hmmm...

You realize that no one wants to get COVID and/or spread it to their loved ones, right?

Over 200,000 Americans dead and counting, stfu for the love of god.

More white people are shot by police.

Yeah, she could have added a star or something.

I mean, green carpet? Red trees? I see what she did there, it’s not really that bad.

Are you saying it’s impossible for American Democrats to ashamed of the gleeful response to Trump’s illness?

Biden needs to wear a mask at the next debate. Trump can’t be trusted.