buh-lurred lines

I would prefer a more visual angle: at the next debate (if there is one) Biden should be wearing a mask. Not just as a visual reminder to the audience, but to literally keep himself safe. He was in a room with a guy who was probably infected for two hours, who knows what’s going to happen?

You need to relax.

Well they didn’t exactly force anyone aside if they chose not to run...

She didn’t run that year, what?

Prolly fallen for his bait, most likely. Biden is doing great up there.

You kidding? Biden looks sharp as a tack.

What does Montana need that Democrats can’t provide other than abortion restrictions and the freedom to beat up queer people?

Millions of young children and teachers are by going to the original to begin with. I blame myself.

JK Rowling is encouraging murders? Citation needed.

It’s not Comey’s fault Hillary did shady shit.

This is the only site that reports on J.K. Rowling on a regular basis.

The White House is cheeto-encrusted, you played yourself.

ok gamer

It does matter, the rules are the rules. This is like blaming Lebron for not winning a championship after scoring 50 points. It takes more than one person.

I disagree, I was very close to not voting this year, but Biden has me slightly optimistic.

I agree. On the other hand, as is currently constructed, don’t the rural states run roughshod over the overpopulated states? Some dude from Kentucky has an awful lot of say over my healthcare right now.

Remember, if “we are fucked”, then he would have left already.

White-supremacist safeguard Electoral College ensures victory for Black man to become President.

I’m watching Community for the first time. Joel McHale has a very weird acting style for a lead in which he literally cannot stop smirking. Also why does the theme song change every episode?