
It's a very complicated issue. Porn absolutely serves an (obvious) function, and presumably a need. Since porn makes as much as Hollywood we know that it is a huge part of our culture, and perhaps being human. But like certain other professions, there is a cost. A young woman could be easily lured by the money, but


Well I think what you have is a group of actors who were, on the whole, not fame whores. I think it might take a certain pathology for some actors to become huge. It might be a backwards compliment to say that these actors weren't narcissistic enough to become mega-huge though I would argue that many have had

"Girlfriend in a Coma." The production on the last record was best of the bunch and the beauty of the guitars, swells, plus string section in the chorus puts me over the top with pretty candy. Plus of course the genius Morrissey lyric and melody with humor, ambiguity, and desperation.