
Polanski and Woody Allen.

Jodie Foster’s real life advice. Hang out with pedophiles, anti-Semitics and homophobes.

And the transformation to Hitler is complete.

If he thinks daddy is going to buy it he picked the wrong Trump girl.

Thank you!

And I write for a living! Imagine that.

I cannot understand the opening sentence at all.

Has anyone else noticed that 90% of Joan’s Dirtbags are reality folks?

Finally! R Kelly and I can agree on something.

He looks a lot more like Corey Haims.

The bar is pretty low if she merits mention in a gossip roundup.

Who the hell is Tinsley, Mod, Jaclyn and Cassie? I miss the old dirt bags when I knew the names of the “celebrities”.

Sure and I am also of the belief that should not be allowed to be in public spaces where they could infect other children.

I must be super old since I do not know or care about 90% of the people mentioned in this dirtbag.

Nicholas looks kinder.

I didn’t know THAT was the twist but I lived in a lot of gay neighborhoods so when Jaye first appeared I whispered to my friends that’s a dude.

I gave my mom one for Xmas and she loves it. Calls it Fred.

Matt Smith?? Manson was like 5'3 on a good day.

I came for an acknowledgment that this story is lol. Thank you.
