
Why are you so mean? He couldn't stop he was busy drawing in the sand!

Shush, you’re interrupting the yammerings of someone who doesn’t understand that the US feeds us all sorts of propaganda regarding our historical enemies.

It would probably be a lot better if the U.S. hadn’t spent a century trying to interfere in their government, and over half of that time trying to isolate them and destroy their economy.

It might not be a “great socialist paradise”, but if you compare Cuba to other American countries which are under the US neoliberal hegemony, like Honduras, you would find that the revolution and Castro’s overthrow of a US puppet president was actually beneficial.

Right?! At least Cubans got health care for the last 50 yrs. Also, I'm pretty sure the misery was the result of American foreign policy regarding Cuba.

Like a popular leader doing his best for his country under difficult circumstances. And being instrumental in defeating apartheid. And fighting against corporate dominance of Latin America. And promoting universal literacy, universal health care, and women’s equality.

Condy Rice did do it. The law was only changed after Hillary was already in the role of Sec. of State. Seriously. These things are not black and white. And you don’t seem to have the full picture. So knock off the stupid meme shit. No one is impressed.

Republicans once investigated the Clinton Christmas card list and hauled 34 PEOPLE in to testify. What did they find? Nothing.

As an biracial person, 100% of my relationships are interracial.

I don’t understand that mindset at all. Are celebrities not allowed to be off the clock? If someone started harrassing me on my day off to put together some spreadsheets I might even become violent

Keep the government’s hands out of our pockets, and off our guns...

The party of small government is at it again.

Are you fucking—...

yeah, what about us non-americans who love key and peele?

Not available in my country.

Vote Vote Vote Vote in local elections, people!

This is what happens when you start tolerating people’s religious beliefs. We had this brand of religious nutcase on the ropes in the 1990s and early 00s, then we had to start going around respecting their ability to believe such bullshit (and attacking the militant atheists who came so close to putting them down for

Again, the Republicans only want small government when it comes to overseeing the activities of old white rich men. For women, it’s a harsh landscape of vaginal ultrasounds and untested rape kits, because god forbid that 8 million should be spent on women’s healthcare, or badly needed infrastructure repairs in a

It’s cause people are always looking up and not down. The only reason they look down is to kick the ladder over to make sure the boat doesn’t tip over.

There was a study that men think 30% of women in a group or if 30% of time used speaking by women means it is gender equal. Anything over that and it is perceived as “female biased”