
Yes, you did.

Did you really just put the responsibility for the behavior of grown men who are in positions of authority over teen girls on the teen girls?

Don’t worry. It was still 100% your fault.

Pretty much this. I’d be willing to accept this argument if there was some evidence that restrictive dress codes were effective in mitigating harassment/assault, but this doesn’t seem to be the case.

Who here is demanding she apologize? She said a shitty thing and people are calling it out. I don’t understand your ‘leave it at that’ comment. We pretty much are, unless there’s a Jez posse headed to her house...? If she wants to discuss in public the ‘fact’ that men like young women (and not just 18, but 12 year

Sounds like that's a problem with the teachers and their behavior, then. If some prejudiced school teachers in Texas start harassing and mistreating orthodox jewish students or hijab-wearing muslim students, should we say 'maybe they should avoid wearing their head-coverings to class so that they'll be treated safely

The problem is that it's been proven that dressing modestly DOESN'T keep women and girls (or anyone else) safe from rapists, and that it sends boys, men, and abusers the wrong message when they constantly hear that women and girls need to avoid dressing a certain way in order for them not to rape.

You act as if we gave them a choice as to what to do when we stole the best lands they were using. If our government had respected the treaties it signed those reserves would be villages like any other, with decent living conditions.

So what are they supposed to do? Move to the big city and become prostitutes? There are people there who are going to be unable to adapt to the big city, especially older people. There are people who could adapt to urban life if they had adequate resources, but they probably don’t. You don’t just change an entire way

Being gay isn’t a lifestyle. This isn’t a topic on which there can be “opinions,” unless you think all facts are a matter of opinion.

A fat joke. How truly novel

Your take on the FLQ Crisis is somewhat off in the sense that the whole thing got dumped in Trudeau’s (federal) lap by a (Liberal) provincial government headed by Robert Bourassa that was paralyzed by fear and inadequacy, response-wise.

You do know that Chrétien has Bell’s Palsy, right? His face isn’t “weird” or “fucked up”, as you refer to it. 1 in 65 people will have Bell’s Palsy at some point in their lives, so it’s pretty common. My brother had it, as a kid. It’s why they have odd facial expressions, one side of the face is partially paralyzed.

Paul Martin also (as prime minister and finance minister) put Canada in such a solid financial position that we were able to weather the 2008 financial crisis mostly unscathed. We had the benefit of going into that with a huge financial surplus and solidly regulated banking industry. And then Harper did a global

He both violated civil rights AND was a champion of them. Under Trudeau abortion was first legalized in Canada. Same-sex sexual activity was also legalized when Trudeau was the attorney general of Canada.

I love the untucked shirts and popped collars!

nonono—this picture is the font of all that is wonderful and excellent in the world. I could NOT get over it yesterday when I first saw it. No goofy, all the sexy. And they’re my new favorite Bromance. Ever.

Damn, that is some North American handsome. You need to add the president of Mexico to complete the Handsome Leaders of Major North America Countries Trilogy,

He's gonna look so good with a little salt and pepper. <3

Obama must show him how it’s done. Wait til a few years on the Hill and Trudeau will start sprouting some salt and pepper. Then....oooooo boy