
Please. She’s not slut shaming. I think it is disingenuous to think that people are supposed to be celebrated every time they show the same naked body they’ve shown a dozen times already. Particularly when there is a commercial angle to it. Yes, yes. She’s got tits and ass. Good for her! But Bette’s right. It’s not

It’s like they don’t realize that women have ALWAYS practiced abortion, we just want it to be safe and legal.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- access to safe, legal abortions make for better mothers.

I’m the sort of queen who’s always eager to remind others of reality. As for your question, I’ve been doing a lot more theoretical reading lately. In bell hooks, I’ve come to see the reality a lot more starker. The idea that we live in a system that is benevolent but its actors are corrupt is a total lie. Liberal

You saw those gray comments too, huh?

i’m pretty centrist when it comes to 2nd amendment rights but if everyone can bring their guns wherever they want to, imagine what would have happened at this rally. those poor kids would be dead for color-coordinating (both their t-shirts and their skin) and the hooligans would probably have erupted in cheers. but

Maybe if we tear down any progress or significant moments the infighting will distract from the big picture and we’ll never get anything done...oh wait...

Damn straight. It’s exquisitely on-point of her to bring up the plight of working full-time mothers and how they can’t support their families, and expand the conversation away from Hollywood. As long as it looks like she’s being punished by being in this for a penny, she decided to get in for a pound. I mean, even

Happy to hear Patricia Arquette bringing the conversation to the average woman and women in poverty. It does speak volumes that even huge stars in a very visible industry can't get equal pay, but god we are just failing working class women, especially women of color, over and over again. Glad to see these women using

That’s so awful! I think how I used to have to drive nearly an hour to the nearest PP that would give me birth control. THANK GOD they were there, so that I could go to college, get an education, get a good job and get married.

Fellow Ohioan! I cosign all of this. I heartily invite you to write your elected government officials early and often to tell them your displeasure. I just put a letter in the mail to Kasich the other day, asking him for advice on heavy-flow periods. I mean, he’s the expert on womenz bodies, not me.

destructive apocalypse craving zealots

What I always notice is the extra tragedy always assumed with the phrase, ‘only son,’ particularly in regards to fathers. I have never heard/read that a death was particularly significant because the deceased was the family’s ‘only daughter.’

It may not be surprise. It may be disbelief mixed in some proportion with disappointment. When I see the wretched refuse post racist or sexist comments, I don’t think “Gosh, look at that, somebody thinks black people are inferior.” But I do think “HOW THE FUCK CAN SOMEONE BE FILLED WITH THIS POISON.” Perhaps not a big

Life started in the ocean! Probably deep volcanic sea vents. But humanity started in Africa.

It’s a little more than “not exactly what happened.”

Well, that dude said it but a lot of women are asking for other women in the business to stand up for her too. It’s not unrealistic or offensive to hope that women stand up for other women.

I think we should have undocumented workers already in the US compete with reality TV star US citizens to see who has the better work ethic and basic employable skills. Winner gets to keep the citizenship and loser gets to live as undocumented until they can beat someone else the next round.