Torties are the best.
Oh she has a butt load of tortietude, but it’s mostly aimed at the boys. She’s gump when they are around her.
I know the Clinton / Sanders competition is a hot button topic around here, but I for one am pleased that Dem voters have two very qualified candidates to pick from. It seems highly revealing that the Republican contest is such a clown car cluster fuck. There really is no clear “winner,” just who is less of a total…
what you americans don’t and have never understood is that all of canada is 20 minutes from the deep woods. *all of it*.
More horrid humanity. Hedgehogs in Europe, pygmy pigs in US, live fish/turtles/salamanders encased in sealed heavy plastic keychains in China just so asshole humans can squee.
That quote there made me metaphorically pat Candace on her head and say, “Oh, Candace, honey, let’s have a little chat about feminism, shall we? Ok, good. See, the thing is that feminists don’t think you’re anti-woman if you’re pro-life. Feminists support your decision to carry an unplanned pregnancy to term if that…
I think it varies widely by jurisdiction, and if you’re in one with systemic inertia, incompetency, and straight-up bad actors, being failed by the system when you report a rape very much is automatic. If it has swung too far in the other direction in some places that’s unfortunate but it doesn’t negate the piss poor…
“These aren’t uncommon reactions for people who have suffered violence at the hands of sexual or romantic partners (and attacking a sexual assault victim’s credibility is a defense tactic as common as it is ugly).”
Intelligent, well-meaning people having slightly different opinions about something? Without having to be satanic or demented?
And the most important - they shouldn’t be wimmen.
A gun is not statistically more deadly than a candlestick. I know. I play Clue a lot.
You know why cops shoot and suffocate and otherwise kill or maim so many people in the US? Because of this: a prevailing atmosphere of authoritarianism.
A report found that Hillary had the most diverse cabinet staff. This is not news, Hillary was instrumental in pushing Bill appoint diverse individuals.
I thought the “C” word was off limits unless you were a British gangster?
Annie’s Boobs!