Democrats just won’t show up at all, THAT is the real issue. Not that democrats would ever vote for a republican candidate, but that they won’t vote at all...
Democrats just won’t show up at all, THAT is the real issue. Not that democrats would ever vote for a republican candidate, but that they won’t vote at all...
This shit right here is why I’m voting for whoever the fuck gets the Democratic nomination. There is too much at stake for this hyperbole that Hillary is just another republican. Tell that to my uterus assholes.
I know what you mean, but Julie’s own wording is what separates the two. That part is all her. She’s doing it again, here, referring to women and African-Americans as two separate entities, as she did in the original statement that got her some backlash. As if neither demographic contains any members of the other.
I appreciate that there is a typical, “wrong time, wrong circumstances” abortion story included here. While dramatic partner abuse or fetal abnormality stories are valid, they are often the only types of stories offered in support of abortion. The vast majority of abortions are for women who are accidentally pregnant…
Why do you think we haven’t had a woman as president yet?” First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton asked her guest over their lunch at the White House in 1995.
Do we need a reminder of what the word ghetto really means?
I’m so glad he repeated it. Just to make it clear it didn’t go past him.
Imagine, if you will, a Texas with no US military bases, no NASA, no defense contractors. One where the colleges get no federal funding and college students can’t get federal financial aid. Imagine having to shoulder pretty much the whole cost of protecting the southern border yourselves, on top of setting up a…
While that is true, it assumes that everyone living here now would stay, and I can assure you, they would not. I wouldn’t, and I’ve lived here all my life.
Texas has a strong economy, true, but a *great deal* of that economy is contingent upon that fact that, for international purposes, it is the United States. It…
With the price of oil where it is I’m not sure they could afford a big beautiful wall. Maybe a scraggly boxwood hedge or a line drawn in the dust with a welfare stick. Perhaps homeland security can come up with something involving fire ants.
As much as Avery’s conviction bothers me because I just can’t fathom a jury finding him guilty when the most damning evidence was discovered by officers named in his lawsuit who weren’t supposed to be there.
Thank you. People keep conflating the two, along with the idea that planted evidence = cops killed her and framed him.
all this does is continually reinforce how happy I am that I didn’t have kids. total waste of time and effort.
the more I’m willing to simply call a spade a spade and move on with my life and take the best care of my family that I can.
Yes, that’s what I said.
probably true, but the alternative is worse. France is a shining example of what happens when you marginalize (and ghetto-ize) a particular group of people.
If they’re in Brussels there’s a 90% chance they’re of Moroccan descent, not refugees. Chances are they were even born in Belgium.
the problem is that “letting them in” isn’t the problem. It’s letting them in and there not being anything for them to do.” That pretty much leads to them being sequestered into their own ghettos, and that practically always leads to unrest. Germany is at least trying to do the right thing with job training/placement…