1000x this.
1000x this.
OK, so I don’t play Overwatch, but I do play Heroes of the Storm at a Diamond/Master level, and I have a few thoughts about this. First off, it’s NEVER ok to insult people in any game. So I don’t condone any toxic behavior no matter what hero you pick. If you have an issue with someone, you can silently report or mute…
You can see it as him screwing over his teammates, or you can see it as him helping the enemy team rank up. It’s a zero sum game, so no matter what, half the players are going to lose... does it matter which ones?
Zarya is probably be the only Russian athlete in the Olympics then.
THIS! This is the breath of fresh air that Overwatch needs.
I feel like a lot of commentators here are missing the indicators of why this joke was aimed entirely at making fun of himself.
Look at what the wife actually says, guys. She’s worried about his safety, she has a headache, she brings up reasonable refutations of his points, she gently tells him that they just can’t…