
Over on gawker if you say “I’m a Bernie supporter but” you're immediately accused of being a paid shill. Is The Sanders camp taking notes?!

That and the fact that she sworn in an affidavit that she had not been raped and attended his fundraiser just a few weeks later, and has received quite a bit of money from right wing sources since she was convinced to “go public.” She might be yelling the truth, but the Clintons didn't need to do a damn thing to

His statement is more evidence that he intentionally targeted women that he thought would not be credible (because they were poor and/or had a record). He targeted these women specifically because they were NOT suburban middle class moms.

Why? Because he’s a man and so it’s totally understandable that he screwed around, plus it’s easier to blame the vile harlot than admit your husband is the one really at fault? I truly don’t get this mindset.

Right? I’ve never been more convinced of his guilt. He’s literally telling us why he targeted them, because he knew people would not believe them. For once, the justice system actually worked and he’s super pissed about it.

“ I would go medieval on the ass of the woman involved”

So, it doesn’t matter if all the abuse was debunked over and over and over, disproved and exposed as a right wing smear machine that cost the taxpayers tens of millions of dollars - you want to believe it, therefore it’s true.

Because false equivalence is all Clinton haters have to work with. Actual honest debate is apparently just too hard.

“Did you do drugs 30 years ago? Yes? Then you will never be considered a credible person for the rest of your life.” That ‘ol predator logic.

Well, remember, she’s not “innocent,” so anything that happens to her* is fair game. Meanwhile, there are elaborate but mysterious “vendettas” against him and he’s been fashioned a scapegoat to prevent mudpeople from rioting, or whatever shrill and cacophonous tune he’s whistling.

Listening to Alex Jones isn’t healthy.

The problem is how many people agree with him. If your life isn’t perfect, maybe you deserved your rape. Horrible.

So because Gawker is in the hunt for clicks, you’re choosing to suffer from a mental disorder?

What line?

It goes back to the right’s belief that there is one specific way to be a woman and that’s to be ecstatic about being a baby making machine. If a woman strays from that idea or if her husband is a cheater- it must be her fault and she must be punished.

Not at all. And nobody cares about the filthy smears and lies the right wing tries to lob at Hillary Clinton.

I didn’t, you insufferable moron.

Sure it is.

My thinking is that if she was assaulted as horribly as she said she was or at all(her story has became more and more violent the closer it is to election day).... Why didn’t the accusation turn up during Starr’s investigation that lead to Bill’s impeachment? He would have done anything to put her allegation into

She opened the door when she claimed the women were willing participants who threw themselves at Cosby. She’s also a business partner and manager, and she probably thought when this started that it would be (once again) swept under the rug. Don’t kid yourself, she’s in it up to her neck.