BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

So you’re going to call people who don’t like the trailer as a matter of their taste in films racist?

Our path ahead is lit by the burned bridges behind us

Come on now. Everyone knows Daniel Dae Kim’s *best* role is this badass motherfucker:

Tip: If it’s only half a worker, he’s not sleeping.

This is nuts - and not in a good way. I hope there’s some sort of user flow that involves the steering wheel controls, because no way would I be dicking around with that while driving.

Obligatory “old guys, crappy interior, motors blowing up, I’d rather have a____ or a ____ or a____, GM shitty quality....” Okay, now that that’s out of the way, I can’t wait to find out what they’re doing here and WTF is going on with that mid-engined thing! Given that they’re showing more of these things openly now,

The Grand Tour, US division! Coming soon to Amazon Prime!

What was wrong with the old hosts though? They actually started to have chemistry

You know it, sport.

Counterpoint: I liked Iron Fist. Bite me

It’s easy to say he was a dumbass BUT, having bought a car once with a somewhat subprime loan ( I was young, had a good job but lousy credit because I’d never had credit), when you get a loan like this they do an amazing job of not telling you how much your interest rate is (mine was 12%) or how much you will be

Are we the same person?

Good! Send their asses to Car and Driver, where they still swear the Corvette isnt midengine.

Look up Charlie Gard. UK court wants to pull the plug on this kid, while the parents have already crowd funded $1.6 million to move their boy to the US for experimental treatment which may have a 10% chance of success. UK health care don’t think the treatment will work so they rather pull the plug and let the kid die.

People don’t sit around waiting to scrutinize stuff like this because they want to be disappointed.

People don’t sit around waiting to scrutinize stuff like this because they want to be disappointed.

No, people don’t want to be disappointed, but they absolutely have their eyes peeled for things like this and have become cynical about it, to the point where even when you haven’t done anything wrong, it’s assumed and/or implied that you will. Exhibit A in that regard, about the story earlier this week that Disney

People don’t sit around waiting to scrutinize stuff like this because they want to be disappointed.

People do not scrutinize because they want to be disappointed. They do it because they want to feel a permanent, 24-7, outrage boner

People don’t sit around waiting to scrutinize stuff like this because they want to be disappointed.