BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

That’s actually called negotiating

I’m not a morally corrupt person, but in the case of buying/selling/flipping vehicles, I’m confident in saying that my belief is if both parties are happy with the sale, then it’s 100% fine. Where it would cross the line for me is if the buying party tries to haggle even more on a deal where they know they’re already

Too easy to get a rough ballpark on the internet these days as a seller...now, if you actively try to persuade a seller that what they have is worth far less than what they’re offering, trying to get a deal, that’s a bit shady.

I’m quite tired of Miles > Peter articles and I’m far from the only one.

Charles Pulliam-Moore is my least favorite writer on io9.

This is the kind of think I was asking for when it came to giving ‘diverse’ heroes the spotlight. Falcon in his own series (not as a kinda-sorta Captain America) is how to do it.

It’s completely irrational, I know, but I absolutely cannot stand these guys. I have no idea why.

He was in K’un-Lun for a few years so he missed out on the development of fashion since the late 1990s.

I liked “the wolfman”

Your last paragraph is 10000000000000000% correct. Some fucking mook did a halfassed job replacing the pump the first time, then right fucked it a second time, then flat broke it the third time. And of course I could rant about how flat rate rewards techs for cutting corners, and eventually make mistakes, but I will

Ummm....this is pretty open and shut. She raced her car, her warranty is void. Yea the dealer looked into it when the problem became a headache but they are not wrong. Stop trying to cheat and get your car fixed under warranty when you broke the agreement.

If you race your car or modify your car, you have to be ready to have your warranty voided. Period. This isn’t new.

heres the problem with that. how many “pure” venom fans are there? people who care so much about Venom they want to see a movie about him and could care less about anything else?

These were supposed to be maintained by the state from the massive amount of money generated by gasoline taxes and federal funding. Where did all that money go?

I guess it’s a little tiresome but totally expected and slightly chuckleworthy that DC is making their own version of what Marvel’s doing with Steve. But yeah, if it’s just an elseworld story and not canonical I suppose it’s better.

I know it’s not really in io9's wheelhouse, but so many of us around here seem to love it so, how about that Psych TV movie that’s going into production at the end of the month? :D

Ward’s story is good and I think the actor does a really good job. It’s worth finishing up for that.

Some people seem to have missed that subtext. I thought Danny was pretty realistically written considering his circumstances. Dude saw his parents die in front of him and was then beaten with sticks...while he was like 12 years old. He was raised in the lap of luxury and then forced into a cloister with a bunch of

Wow, nice way to simplify the very detailed message of the book and series in a single clickbaity headline. If, after reading the book or seeing the series, all you get out of it is “men are monsters,” I suggest you read it again.